Curve Edit > Fit Curve

Creates quality curves from cross-section line data.

Fit Curve Control Options

Use the options in the Fit Curve Control window to adjust the fit and the type of curve created:

Curve Name

Enter a name for the new curve.

Fitting Method

Choose a curve fitting algorithm: Least Squares or Hull Fit. Try both methods to see which gives a better fit for your curve.


Show a curvature comb locator on the new surface.


Show a deviation comb locator between the new and original curves.


Set the degree of the new curve. Increasing the degree allows a better fit, however not all CAD systems support curve degrees higher than 3.

Max Spans

Set the maximum number of spans allowed in the new curve. Increasing the number of spans gives a better fit, but also increases the complexity of the model.

Stiffness, Elasticity

These sliders control the resistance of the new curve to bending and tendency to stretch. Try moving the sliders to see how they affect the new curve, then use them to improve the fit.

Curvature Constancy

This slider controls the rate of change in curvature along the curve.

Increasing the value enforces more constant curvature, but probably increases the deviation from the original curve.

Start Point, End Point


The XYZ coordinates of the start point and end point of the curve. These values only appear after you have created the fit curve.

Tangent to Fit Curve

The XYZ coordinates of the start point and end point tangent vectors of the curve. These values only appear after you have created a constrained fit curve.

See Also