Menus > File menu > 
File > Export > Current Window

Saves screenshots of the current window.

Save Current Window Options

File Type

The following image formats are available:

  • JPEG
  • TIFF
  • TIFF with alpha
  • BMP (both as 24 and 32 bits) (Windows only)
Specify Image Size

If checked, two sliders enable you to set (in pixels) the dimensions of the output image.

Maintain Aspect Ratio

If this option is checked, the Vertical Size value is first adjusted so that the aspect ratio corresponds to that of the current window. Changing the horizontal or vertical size will then automatically adjust the other slider so that the aspect ratio of the image is preserved.

This option only appears when Specify Image Size in on.

Horizontal / Vertical Size

Size (in pixels) of the output image.

These options only appear when Specify Image Size in on.

Quality Level

This option only appears when the File Type is jpeg.

Use the pull-down menu (Maximum, High, Medium or Low) or the slider (values from 1 to 100) to adjust the quality of the jpeg image. A higher quality will result in a larger file size.