

<left hand side> = <right hand side> ;


This assigns the value of the item on the right to the item on the left. The item on the right is not modified or otherwise effected in any way. The <left hand side> may be a variable name, an array name, or an array element reference. The <right hand side> may be a literal, a variable reference, an array name, or an array ele-ment reference or a function. However, only certain of the possible combinations are valid. The following rules de-termine the validity.

If the <left hand side> is an array element reference, then any of the <right hand side> possibilities may be used.

If the <left hand side> is a variable name, the <right hand side> may be a literal, a variable reference, or an array element reference or a function, provided that the data types of the <left hand side> and the <right hand side> are the same.


switch = FALSE;
 bunch[1] = some_var;