

output = <filename> ;


-p <filename>


Special — see below.


This determines the name of the output image file created by the renderer.


Each camera in the model is capable of producing output. Therefore, each such cam-era must have the destination of that output specified. That is done by means of the pix and mask components of each camera. Setting the output destination with the output parameter will apply only to the first camera. Subsequent cameras must have the components specified. The output parameter is included simply for compatibility with previous versions of SDL. Users are encouraged to use the camera components instead. See the description of those Camera Data Type components for the defaults used, and for the order of priority among the command line option, the components, and the output parameter.

The <filename> can be a full or relative UNIX pathname. Relative path names are applied with respect to the current working directory when the renderer is invoked.

When animating several frames in an animated sequence from a single SDL file, the number of files (and their names) depends upon the renderer.

For the Raycaster or the Raytracer, a series of files with names in the form <filename>.<integer> are created. Note that this extension is in addition to (and ap-plied after) any other extension that may exist as a result of using a filename variable.

For the wireframer a single file is produced containing all frames.


output = ("pix/bike") ;