Trim_vertex Data Type


trim_vertex <name> ( <scalar>, <scalar>, <scalar> ) ;




trim_vertex (<scalar>, <scalar>, <scalar> )


This defines a trim_vertex. A trim_vertex may be specified as a literal or as a variable. If specified as a variable, it must have a name. All of its components are identified by position rather than by keywords. They are interpreted as

	( u, v, flag )

The meaning of u and v are the parametric space coordinates of the trim_vertex. The flag is interpreted as a Boolean. Zero (FALSE) means that this trim_vertex is interior to the surface it is associated with and trim curve algorithms should be used for processing it. Any other value (TRUE) means that this trim_vertex lies on the boundary of the surface and NURB curve algorithms should be used for processing it.


The elements of a trim_vertex must be literals. They may not be represented by expressions or variables.


trim_vertex nave (0.007, 0.65, 0 );