Parameter_curve Data Type


parameter_curve <name> ( in = <pre extrapolation type>, out = <post extrapolation type>, cvs = ( <parameter_vertex>, <parameter_vertex>, ... ))

In version 7, pc is a shorter keyword name for parameter_curve that can be used interchangeably.




parameter_curve (
	in = <pre extrapolation type>, out = <post extrapolation type>,
cvs = ( <parameter_vertex>, <parameter_vertex>, ... ) )


This allows you to define a two-dimensional parameter curve. A parameter_curve may be specified as a literal or as a variable. If specified as a variable, it must have a name. A parameter curve is usually used for the animation of a scalar.

The shape of the parameter curve is defined by the list of <parameter_vertex> arguments (See Parameter_vertex Data Type for more information). The extrapolation type arguments define how to evaluate the curve outside of its usual range. The <pre extrapolation type> argument defines the shape of the curve before the time value of the first <parameter_vertex> argument defining the curve. The <post extrapolation type> defines the shape of the curve after the time value of the last <parameter_vertex> argument defining the curve.

NoteFor animation curves that contain just a constant value, it will be written out as a scalar definition in version 7. This is for faster processing during rendering as well as reduced SDL filesizes


parameter_curve plane.Z_Position ( 
cvs = ( 
	parameter_vertex( 1.0, 0.0, TAN_SMOOTH, (-0.99676, 0.08042), TAN_SMOOTH, (0.99676, -0.08042) ), 
	parameter_vertex( 10.0, -0.72613, TAN_SMOOTH, (-0.99676, 0.08042), TAN_SMOOTH, (0.99676, -0.08042) ) 