Displays the distance between two locators.
#include <AlDistanceLocator.h>
class AlDistanceLocator : public AlLocator
virtual ~AlDistanceLocator();
virtual AlObject * copyWrapper() const;
virtual AlObjectType type() const;
statusCode create(const AlPointLocator *, const AlPointLocator *, boolean trueDisplay = TRUE);
AlPointLocator * startLocator() const;
AlPointLocator * endLocator() const;
statusCode trueDisplay(boolean &) const;
statusCode setTrueDisplay(boolean);
statusCode offset(double &) const;
statusCode setOffset(double);
statusCode distance(double &, double &, double &) const;
Use this locator to display and find the distance between any two point locators (AlPointLocator). If any of the two point locators on which this locator depends is deleted, this locator is deleted as well. This class contains methods to create the locator, query the distance, and set the display attributes of the locator.
statusCode AlDistanceLocator::create(const AlPointLocator *startPointLocator, const AlPointLocator *endPointLocator, boolean trueDisplay)
statusCode AlDistanceLocator::trueDisplay(boolean &trueDisplay) const
statusCode AlDistanceLocator::setTrueDisplay(boolean trueDisplay)
Sets the mode to display the distance locator as either true distance or projected distance in the Alias Modeling windows.
statusCode AlDistanceLocator::distance(double &x, double &y, double &z) const