CATIA V5 export options (Windows only)
Keep Topology

When this option is ON (default), Alias shells are converted to CATIA skins. When it is OFF (-s option specified for AlToC5), Alias shells are converted to CATIA Faces.

Export By Layer

Convert layers to open body/geometrical sets (-a option specified for AlToC5). The default is off (no conversion).

Export Symmetry

By default this option is OFF.

When ON (-b option specified for AlToC5), if an Alias layer has symmetry ON, this information is processed and the geometric objects resulting from the layer's symmetry are converted.

Export Invisible

By default this option is ON.

By default, Alias invisible geometric entities are converted to CATIA invisible (hidden) entities. When OFF (-v option specified for AlToC5), Alias invisible geometric entities are ignored and are not converted.

Divide MultiKnots

By default this option is OFF.

When ON (-d option specified for AlToC5), a surface with multiknots is divided (split) into multiple surfaces.

Divide Periodic

By default this option is OFF.

When ON (-c option specified for AlToC5), a periodic surface is divided (split) into multiple surfaces.

Logfile Output

By default this option is OFF (option -l0 specified for AlToC5)

Choose one of

  • No logfile – No logfile is generated.
  • Logfile – A logfile is generated (option -l1 specified for AlToC5).
  • Extended logfile – More detailed information about the conversion is output to the logfile. (option -l2 specified for AlToC5)