General environment variables
ALIAS_ALT_FONTDIR (Windows only)

The location the user can place alternate font files for use in their Alias session.

Parameters: a valid path to a directory

Default: none

Windows compatibility: Yes


The location of the Help directory containing the online help files .

Default (Windows): C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Alias[version no.]\Help

Windows compatibility: Yes

When installing Alias you will have to choose where to install the online Help documentation. You have the option to install it locally or on a web server. This involves updating the ALIAS_ALT_HELP variable. To accomplish this complete the following steps:

  1. Exit Alias if it is currently running.
  2. Set the ALIAS_ALT_HELP environment variable to the location that you copied the online documentation to.

    If ALIAS_ALT_HELP is not set, Alias uses the registry value created when documentation was installed from CD.

    Platform Procedure
    1. In the Start > Settings > Control Panel > System window, select the Environment tab.
    2. In the Variable field, type:
    3. In the Value field, type the directory path to the online documentation, (for example, D:\OnlineDocs).
    4. Click OK.
  3. Restart Alias.

Sets a default environment in Alias upon start-up. Alias loads files from the distribution area.


The location of the plotter configuration file hp_gl.cfg.

Parameters: a valid path to a file

Default: $ALIAS_LOCATION/sys/install/hp_gl.cfg

Windows compatibility: Yes


Sets your system to automatically invoke a particular Alias product. Use this variable only if you understand licensing and are sure you don’t want access to any other products.

Parameters: as (Automotive), ss (Surface), ds (Design)

To disable this variable for Mac:

  • If you see the environment variable is defined, type:
    NoteIf ALIAS_LICENSE is set in a .login file or equivalent you should remove the environment variable so that it does not get redefined the next time you log in.

To disable this variable for Windows:

  • From Start > Settings > Control Panel > System, click on the Environment tab.
  • Look for the ALIAS_LICENSE variable. If you see that it is set, delete it by highlighting it and clicking the Delete button.

Overrides the Standard Alias Splash screen with an alternate image (specified by the absolute path to the image).

Parameters: a valid path to a file

Default: none

Windows compatibility: Yes


Location of Alias Preference files.

Parameters: a valid path

Default: C:Documents and Settings\[userid]\Application Data\Autodesk\Alias\UserPrefs [version no.]

The preferences files can be set to something other than the default, which is useful if:

  • a user wants common preferences across several machines
  • all user preferences for a design work group are stored in a common location
  • a user stores preferences on a USB flash (keychain) drive.

The location that becomes the current working directory on execution of Alias (that is, the directory above the user_data directory that the user wishes to use with Alias).

Parameters: a valid path to a directory

Default: C:\Documents and Settings\[userid]\My Documents