Import a CATIA V5 file into Alias (Windows only)

To open a CATIA V5 file

You can open either part (.CATPart) or product (.CATProduct) documents in Alias simply by clicking on the file name in the file browser.

If you get “File not recognized” errors on your CATIA part file, you can either use drag or drop with Alias or use the stand-alone utility to convert the file.

One option is available for importing CATIA V5 document files:

Auto Stitch

Click this option on to convert a CATIA V5 solid body or sheet body to a shell in Alias; if this option is off, a grouped set of trimmed surfaces are created instead.

The following CATIA V5 entities are brought into Alias:

CATIA V5 entity brought into Alias as
Curves NURBS curve of appropriate degree.
SplineCurve NURBS curve of appropriate degree.
Circle NURBS curve of appropriate degree.
Ellipse NURBS curve of appropriate degree.
Conic NURBS curve of appropriate degree.
Hyperbola NURBS curve of appropriate degree.
Parabola NURBS curve of appropriate degree.
Line NURBS curve of appropriate degree.
IntCurve NURBS curve of appropriate degree.
BsplineCurve NURBS curve of appropriate degree.
HelixCurve NURBS curve of appropriate degree.
PLine NURBS curve of appropriate degree.
PSpline NURBS curve of appropriate degree.
PCircle NURBS curve of appropriate degree.
PEllipse NURBS curve of appropriate degree.
PParabola NURBS curve of appropriate degree.
PHyperbola NURBS curve of appropriate degree.
PNurbs NURBS curve of appropriate degree.
Surfaces NURBS surfaces of appropriate degree
Products Groups and instanced groups.
Solids Set of faces that have shared edges at the boundaries where the faces meet within tolerance. Brought in as NURBS surfaces. Closed shell surfaces are stiched in a shell (if Auto Stitch is ON); otherwise, a group of trimmed surfaces is created.
Color RGB, Layer, Show (Visibility) Shader Color RGB, Layer, Visibility.
Layer By default, Layer. Caution: no names are used, just layer numbers.
Point SpacePoint.
Unbounded plane Planar surface.
Surface Patch NURBS Surface of appropriate degree.
Surfaces NURBS Surface of appropriate degree.
Plane NURBS Surface of appropriate degree.
NurbsSurface NURBS Surface of appropriate degree.
Cylinder NURBS Surface of appropriate degree.
Sphere NURBS Surface of appropriate degree.
Torus NURBS Surface of appropriate degree.
Cone NURBS Surface of appropriate degree.
FilletSurface NURBS Surface of appropriate degree.
ChamferSurface NURBS Surface of appropriate degree.
DraftSurface NURBS Surface of appropriate degree.
OffsetSurface NURBS Surface of appropriate degree.
SweepSurface NURBS Surface of appropriate degree.
GenericFillet NURBS Surface of appropriate degree.
GenericRuledSurface NURBS Surface of appropriate degree.
Tabulated Cylinder NURBS Surface of appropriate degree.
RevolutionSurface NURBS Surface of appropriate degree.
BsplineSurface NURBS Surface of appropriate degree.
CircularSweep NURBS Surface of appropriate degree.
RuledSurface NURBS Surface of appropriate degree.
Invisible entitiesNoshow Invisible entities, unless the option ‑v is used when importing the file.