Safely terminate Alias and recover data

Safely terminate Alias and save your data, if the application hangs or takes too long to complete an action.

  1. (Windows) From the Windows Start menu, select Programs > Autodesk > Alias 2010 > Save And Exit.

    (Mac) From the Apple Go menu, select Applications > Autodesk >Alias 2010 > Save And Exit

  2. Click Yes in the confirm box.
  3. Click OK in the next confirm box.

    Your data is saved under your current project, in file wire\_M.SAVES\_msaved_<month>_<day>_<time>_Stage.wire, and Alias exits.

Alias exception log

Also written out is an exception log, named in the format:



pid = process id of the alias process when it first started

mm - Month (1 – 12; January = 1).

dd - Day of month (1 – 31).

yyyy - Year

hh - Hours after midnight (0 – 23).

mm - Minutes after hour (0 – 59).

ss - Seconds after minute (0 – 59).

This file may provide useful information to Customer Support about the application failure, if it is repeatable.