The construction plane defines a temporary coordinate space that can be moved or rotated away from the absolute world space. Any reference plane can be set as the construction plane.
What is the construction plane?
Tools in Alias place objects in an XYZ coordinate system. Normally this is the world space coordinate system, the absolute frame of reference for your scene.
However, there will be times when you want to align objects where the orientation, position and rotation are different from the world space axes and origin.
A construction plane lets you create and work in an alternative coordinate system. When the construction plane is active, the points you click or coordinates you type use the coordinate system of the construction plane, instead of world space.
You create a construction
plane by using the Construction > Plane tool.
You can position and rotate the construction plane freely, or constrain it in relation to a curve or surface.
You can switch between
world space and an active construction plane by choosing Construction > Toggle Construction Plane .
What is the relationship between construction planes and reference planes?
You can have many reference planes in your scene performing various jobs, but only one plane at a time can be the construction plane.
You can tell Alias to
use any reference plane as the construction plane by choosing Construction > Set Construction Plane .