New Concepts


In this exercise, you will learn how to create continuity between surfaces and between curves.

The three main types of continuity used in Alias are shown in the illustrations of three curves below.

Positional Continuity

The dashed curve touches the two solid curves, but there is an angle between them and so there is a sharp break between the curves.

Tangent Continuity

The dashed curve has no angle difference where it meets the solid curves. The Round surface tool and the Curve Fillet tool create this type of continuity.

Curvature Continuity

The dashed curve blends in even more smoothly to the solid curves.

There is one other use of continuity that you will use in this tutorial: Implied Tangent.

Implied Tangent

A curve or surface is created on the center line, and will be mirrored. The Implied Tangent tools make sure that the two surfaces (original and mirrored) will be tangent to each other.

Understanding these concepts and using the tools that control them enables you to create smooth, organic designs in Alias.

Construction Tolerances

Construction Tolerances are important as well, when matching surfaces.

Construction tolerances specify the accuracy of the Position, Tangent, and Curvature continuity when surfaces are built. This is important if the model is used for manufacture or is transferred to another CAD system.

For more detailed information, please read the explanation in Using Alias of continuity and in the Reference manual, Preferences > Construction Options .