Quiz Answers

Answers to the Desk lamp Tutorial quiz

  1. (b) Hold the (Windows) or (Mac) key down and click close to the origin. The (Windows) or (Mac) key turns on grid snap mode, so the object will always be placed on the grid intersection nearest to where you click.
  2. (b) It is shown in white. The selected object(s) will be affected by whatever tool you choose, for example Transform > Move. To make sure that nothing is affected, choose the Pick > Nothing tool.
  3. (a) Away from the geometry. Because the object is already selected, the only input required is a click and a drag to specify the transform. If you accidentally pick on a second object, the transform will be applied to that object instead. Try to find an area in the view that has no geometry in it, and then click and drag.
  4. (c) Zoom in and out of the view.
  5. (b) Middle mouse button.
  6. (d) In the wire directory of a project created and renamed for your task, in the user_data directory. It takes a few steps to set up a new Alias project, but doing so will make your data much easier to manage and to find.