How to use Hidden Line Rendering to create an image that looks like a line drawing.
Hidden line rendering produces outline renderings of objects that are filled with flat, unshaded color. Silhouettes of surfaces include the effect of any bump or displacement maps.
Set the appearance of
objects in the Hidden Line Rendering Parameters in
the Render > Globals window and in each shader’s Control
Window. If Hidden Line Parms in
the Render Globals window is PER
OBJECT, then the hidden line renderer uses the Hidden
Line Rendering Parameters in each object’s shader (see Hidden Line Rendering Parameters in Render > Multi-lister
). If Hidden
Line Parms is GLOBAL, then
the hidden line renderer uses the Hidden Line Rendering
Parameters in the Render Globals window
for all surfaces.
Hidden line rendering
does not represent colors, textures, transparency, reflections,
or shadows. The exact Anti-aliasing Levels
Minimum and Maximum values
(in the Render > Globals window) are not relevant
during hidden line rendering. Any value above 0 turns on hidden
line anti-aliasing. You should set the Post Filter parameter ON (in
the Blur section of the Render > Globals
window) when using hidden
line rendering (see “Post Filter” in Blur Effects in Render > Globals