IGES import options
Default Trim Curves

Specifies the trim curves that the processor will use. You can select parameter space curves (Parameter Space), model space curves (World Space), or use the flag that is present in the .IGES file (IGES Trim Flag). IGES Trim Flag is the default. If the value is not specified, we use 3D world space curves, and if not available, 2D parameter space trimming curves.

Shrink Surfaces

When ON, Alias detects trimmed surfaces whose trim boundaries are the same as, or iso-parametric to, the natural boundaries of the untrimmed surface. It then converts these surfaces into Alias surfaces by shrinking the untrimmed surface to the trim boundaries.

When OFF, Alias converts all trimmed surfaces of this type to Alias trimmed surfaces.

Create Section Data

If Create Section Data is ON, degree 1 curves are imported as section data.