To build the OpenModel examples, type the following in a command prompt window and exclude any text in brackets:
mkdir examples
cd examples
copy c:\Program Files\Autodesk\Alias2010\ODS\OpenModel\examples\Makefile .
notepad Makefile (Set ALIAS_LOCATION variable to correct path.)
vsvars32.bat (Set the Visual C++ environment variables.)
nmake copy (Copies example code into the current directory.)
set Path=%Path%;c:\Program Files\Autodesk\Alias2010\\bin (Sets Path variable so .dlls can be found .)
.\cppCreate.exe new.wire (Run an example.)
To build the OpenAlias examples, type the following in a command prompt and exclude any text in brackets:
mkdir pluginexamples
cd pluginexamples
copy c:\Program Files\Autodesk\Alias\ODS\OpenAlias\examples\Makefile .
notepad Makefile ( Set ALIAS_LOCATION variable to correct path. )
vsvars32.bat ( Set the Visual C++ environment variables. )
nmake copy ( Copies example code into the current directory. )
The built plug-ins can now be loaded through the Plug-in Manager.