Windows development environment requirements

Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2008 is required for developing plug-ins and OpenModel applications on Windows XP or Vista.

Compiling and linking OpenModel programs for Windows

In the current release, the building of OpenModel applications is done at the command line rather than with in the Microsoft Visual Studio IDE. The OpenModel example applications included are built as console applications for the purpose of writing standard output. For OpenModel, ensure that the library path includes the following:


In addition, the LFLAGS variable should contain the following:


The link libraries for a console application are:

libalias_api.lib libapi_memory.lib libapi_image.lib kernel32.lib user32.lib gdi32.lib winspool.lib comdlg32.lib advapi32.lib shell32.lib ole32.lib oleaut32.lib uuid.lib odbc32.lib odbccp32.lib comctl32.lib netapi32.lib version.lib ws2_32.lib

And the CFLAGS and CPLUSPLUSFLAGS variables should contain:


The makefiles in the directories OpenModel/examples and OpenAlias/examples demonstrate how all this is done, and you should study them before creating new makefiles.

As well, ensure that Path environment variable is set to reference the Alias library directory along with the directory that contains the compiler libraries. For example, use the following command in Command Prompt Shell:


Note that the %ALIAS_LOCATION%\bin directory contains the API .dll’s and the %ALIAS_LOCATION\lib directory contains the API .lib files required at link time.

Compiling and Linking Plug-ins for Windows

In the current release, the building of OpenAlias plug-ins is done at the command line rather than within the Microsoft Visual Studio IDE.

Linking a plug-in requires the following flags:

/DLL /opt:noref /incremental:no /machine:I386 /NODEFAULTLIB:MSVCRT.lib $(ALIAS_LOCATION)\libAliasCore.lib

For example, if the plug-in is composed of the object files obj1.obj obj2.obj obj3.obj, then the plug-in would be linked by the following command:

link.exe /DLL /opt:noref /incremental:no /machine:I386 /NODEFAULTLIB:MSVCRT.lib $(ALIAS_LOCATION)\libAliasCore.lib obj1.obj obj2.obj obj3.obj /out:output_name.plugin