
The Sky procedure is an environment map that generates images of a planetary atmosphere as seen from the surface of the planet. Parameter sets enable you to control the composition of the atmosphere and the cloud layer. If no floor is specified, the environment below the horizon is a vertical mirror reflection of the environment above the horizon. If a floor is specified, it must be given an altitude and other variables to control the positioning of a color pix file texture map on the surface.

Argument Name Absolute Range Useful Range Default Description
floor_texture     no default pix file name for floor texture 24 bits
cloud_texture     no default Mask file name for cloud texture 8 bits
cloud_altitude 0, 1 0, 0.5   y coordinate of cloud layer as a fraction of sky_thickness (if Y-up)
space_samples 0, infinity 1, 10 5.0 # of samples above clouds
floor_samples 0, infinity 0, 3 1.0 # of samples in front of floor
cloud_samples 0, infinity 0, 3 5.0 #. of samples below clouds
air_density 0, infinity 0, 10 1.0 Density of air molecules
dust_density 0, infinity 0, 3 0.0 Density of dust particles
sun_azimuth -infinity, infinity 0, 360 145.0 Rotation of sun vector about vertical vector
sun_elevation -infinity, infinity -10, 90.0 45.0 Angle of elevation of sun vector relative to floor
sun_size 0, infinity 0, 30 0.531 Radius of sun's disc in degrees
sun_blur 0, infinity 0, 50 1.0 Radius of halo around sun in degrees
sun_halo_brightness (triple) 0, infinity 0, 1 0.2,0.3,0.2 Multiplicative color for halo around the sun
sky_brightness (triple) 0, infinity 0, 10 1.0, 1.0, 1.0 Multiplicative color for the sky
sun_brightness (triple) 0, infinity 0, 10 1.0, 1.0, 1.0 Multiplicative color for the sun
floor_altitude -infinity, infinity -100, 100 -1.0 y coordinate of the floor (if y-up)
cloud_density 0, infinity 0, 5 1.0 Density of the sky
cloud_radius 0, infinity 0, 50 20.0 Radius of halo around sun
cloud_width_mult -infinity, infinity -0.2, 0.2 0.1 Scaling factors for cloud map position on floor
cloud_depth_mult -infinity, infinity -0.2, 0.2 0.1 " " "
cloud_blurmult 0, infinity 0, 10 1.0 Scaling factor for cloud blur size
cloud_bluroffset 0, infinity 0, 1 0.0 Offset for cloud blur size
cloud_threshold 0, infinity 0, 1 0.5 Threshold for presence of clouds
cloud_brightness 0, infinity 0, 10 1.0, 1.0, 1.0 Multiplicative color for ambient cloud illumination
cloud_sunset_brightness 0, infinity 0, 500 300, 300, 300 Multiplicative color for front lighting
cloud_power 0, 1 0, 1 1.0 Exponent for cloud density falloff
floor_width_mult -infinity, infinity 0, 10 1.0 Scaling factors for color map position on floor
floor_depth_mult -infinity, infinity 0, 10 1.0 " " " "
floor_width_offset -infinity, infinity 0, 1 0.0 Offsets for color map position on floor
floor_depth_offset -infinity, infinity 0, 1 0.0 " " " "
floor_blurmult 0, infinity 0, 10 1.0 Scaling factor for floor blur size
floor_bluroffset 0, infinity 0, 1 0.0 Offset for floor blur size
floor_color (triple) 0, infinity 0, 255 255, 255, 255 Color of floor
sky_radius 0.01, infinity 0.01, 300 50.0 Radius of planet as a multiple of sky_thickness
sky_thickness 1, infinity 100, 10000 1000 Thickness of atmosphere
total_brightness 0, infinity 0, 10 1.0 Scales the overall brightness of environment
has_floor TRUE FALSE   TRUE Flag setting whether or not a floor is used.

“Sky” is an environment texture.