
sRock is a simulation of particles suspended in a medium. “grain_size” represents the particle size. “diffusion” controls the amount of mixing between the particles and the medium. A diffusion of 0 will result in a sharp boundary between the particles and the medium. A diffusion of 1.0 will result in a complete blending. The variable “mix_ratio” controls the proportion of particles to medium. If it is 1.0, the color is entirely color1; if it is 0, the color is entirely color2. If sRock is applied as a bump map, then “mix_ratio” of 0.5 will result in even pits and bumps. If it is greater than 0.5, the surface will have discrete bumps. If it is less than 0.5, the surface will have discrete pits (depending on the parameterization of the surface).

If the surface is far enough from the eye that the grains become smaller than pixel resolution, the blur effect will cause the texture to become a single color. This is fine for color mapping, and helps to avoid aliasing problems. However, if sRock is applied as a bump map, the surface will appear to become smooth at large distances. A possible solution is to use an eccentric Blinn shader, which mimics the microfacets of the bump map. If you want a video snow effect, set the blur to 0.001 and the grain_size to 0.0001.

“sRock” is a solid texture.

Argument Name Absolute Range Useful Range Default Description
colour1 (triple) 0, infinity 0, 255 255,255,255 First color
colour2 (triple) 0, infinity 0, 255 60,0,0 Second color
contrast 0-1 0-1 1.0 Controls contrast between two colors
grain_size 0, infinity 0-0.1 0.01 Particle size
diffusion 0, infinity 0-1 1.0 Controls amount of mixing between particles and the medium
mix_ratio 0-1 0-1 1.0 Controls the proportion of particles to medium
transformation_name     no default.  
Argument Name Absolute Range Useful Range Default Description
amplitude -infinity, infinity 0, 10 1.5 Amplitude of noise function
contrast -1, 1 -1, 1 0.5 Contrast at boundary between vein and filler
diffusion 0, infinity 0, 10 0.5 Degree of vein diffusion into filler material
vein_width 0, 1 0, 1 0.1 Thickness of vein material
filler_color (triple) 0, infinity 0, 255 255,255,255 Color of filler material
vein_color (triple) 0, infinity 0, 255 76, 0, 0 Color of filler material
xripples 0, infinity 0, 100 1.0 Fundamental frequencies for noise function
yripples 0, infinity 0, 100 1.0 " "
zripples 0, infinity 0, 100 1.0 " "
level_min 0, infinity 0, 50 0.0 Minimum allowed level of iteration
level_max 0, infinity 0, 50 20.0 Maximum allowed level of iteration
ratio 0, 1 0, 1 0.707 Ratio for fractal noise
transformation_name     no default.