
“Water” is a parametric texture.

The Water texture procedure is a parametric texture used to produce water effects. If used as a Bump or Displacement map, the result resembles water waves or ripples. Water waves consist of linear sine waves, whereas water ripples correspond to concentric rings originating from a drop.

Argument Name Absolute Range Useful Range Default Description
reflection_boundary TRUE FALSE   FALSE Flag to reflect ripples at reflection boundary
umin -infinity, infinity -5, 5 0.0 Extent of reflection boundary
umax -infinity, infinity -5, 5 1.0 " " "
vmin -infinity, infinity -5, 5 0.0 " " "
vmax -infinity, infinity -5, 5 1.0 " " "
ripple_drop_size 0, infinity 0, 1 0.3 Width before drop off of envelope amplitude
ripple_frequency 0, infinity 0, 50 25.0 Number of wavelengths of modulated sinewave per unit length
ripple_phase_velocity 0, infinity 0, 10 2.5 Velocity of modulated sinewave
ripple_group_velocity 0, infinity 0, 10 1.0 Envelope velocity
ripple_spread_start 0, infinity 0, 1 0.005 Spread of envelope at ripple_time zero
ripple_spread_rate 0, infinity 0, 1 0.3 Rate of spread increase with time
ripple_amplitude -infinity, infinity -1, 1 0.05 Amplitude scaling factor of ripple
ripple_u_origin -infinity, infinity 0, 1 0.5 Start point position
ripple_v_origin -infinity, infinity 0, 1 0.5 " " "
ripple_time -infinity, infinity 0, 100 0.0 Time variable for concentric waves
numwaves 0, infinity 0, 64 8 Number of linear waves
sub_frequency 0, infinity 0, 1 0.125 Frequency increment for successive waves
wind_u -infinity, infinity -5, 5 1.0 Wind direction vector
wind_v -infinity, infinity -5, 5 0.0 " " "
frequency 0, infinity 0, 20 4.0 Wavenumber of fundamental frequency
wave_velocity 0, infinity 0, 5 1.0 Velocity of fundamental frequency
wave_amplitude -infinity, infinity 0, 1 0.05 Scaling factor for wave amplitudes
smoothness ;0, infinity 0, 5 2.0 Rate of dropoff of amplitude with frequency
wave_time -infinity, infinity 0, 10 0.0 Time variable for linear waves
urepeat -infinity, infinity -10.0, 10.0 1.0 # of copies in u direction within coverage area.
vrepeat -infinity, infinity -10.0, 10.0 1.0 # of copies in v direction within coverage area.
uoffset -infinity, infinity -1.0, 1.0 0.0 U offset repeat within coverage area
voffset -infinity, infinity -1.0, 1.0 0.0 V offset repeat within coverage area
ucoverage -infinity, infinity 0.0, 1.0 1.0 amount of U surface to be textured
vcoverage -infinity, infinity 0.0, 1.0 1.0 amount of V surface to be textured
utranslate -infinity, infinity -1.0, 1.0 0.0 amount of U coverage area to be moved.
vtranslate -infinity, infinity -1.0, 1.0 0.0 amount of V coverage area to be moved.
uwrap TRUE FALSE   TRUE flag to wrap texture around U boundaries of coverage area.
vwrap TRUE FALSE   TRUE flag to wrap texture around U boundaries of coverage area.
worldspace TRUE FALSE   FALSE flag to use world space texture mapping
rotate -infinity, infinity -360.0, 360.0 0.0 angle coverage area to be rotated
mirror TRUE FALSE   FALSE flag to match edges of texture