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Creating Data Items

Data Items

Specifying Literals
Declaring Variables
Variables are defined and named in the DEFINITION
section of the SDL file.
Keep the following in mind when using variables:
- The
order in which data items are defined is significant: you can only
reference data items that were defined previously in the text file.
- You
can define variables in terms of other variables and literal values.
- Every
variable must have a unique name (all variables exist in the same
name space).
- You
cannot define a variable more than once.
- Once
variables are defined, they persist until the end of the file.
- Names
of variables follow the same rules and use the same character set
as in the C language specification. Case is significant.
- Each
data type (with the exception of arrays, which collect other data
types) has a list of components that must be given values. If you
do not assign a value to a component, a default value will be used.