Hide or show an image layer

In the Canvas Layer Editor window click the eye icon for the image layer.

To make it easier to sketch on individual image layers, you may want to hide some image layers while you are sketching. You can then show these hidden image layers when you are finished.

Visible image layers are listed in the Canvas Layer Editor window with an icon. Hidden image layers are listed with a icon.

To hide an image layer

In the Canvas Layer Editor window, click the icon of the image layer you want to hide.

The icon becomes a to indicate that the image layer is hidden.

To hide all image layers except the active image layer

In the Canvas Layer Editor window, click the icon.

This hides all other layers, and enable you to work on the layer of your choice.

To show a hidden image layer

In the Canvas Layer Editor window, click the icon of the image layer you want to show.

The icon becomes an to indicate that the image layer is visible.

To show all image layers

In the Canvas Layer Editor window, click the icon.

All layers become visible again.

See also Customize the mask display.