
If, after setting up a Transformer Rig and clicking Go, the surfaces do not update as expected,

  1. Check to see if the rig was set up properly.
  2. Try the options in the current selected Fitting Method.
  3. Try the other Fitting Method.

    Each case is different — it all depends on the geometry and the intent. As you gain experience using the tool, you will develop a better feel for which method works best.

  4. Draw Correspondence gives visual feedback as to whether there are conflicts in the rig, as a result of interfering modifiers and constraints. The visualization is green where there is no conflict, and graduates from green to yellow to red to show regions of conflict. This is a good diagnostic tool when the shape modification behaves wildly.

    In the following image, the modifier and the constraint intersect. Notice that close to the intersection point, the visualization turns from green to yellow to red, to indicate that there is a conflict.

  5. The Sampling Density field controls quality and speed. A low value results in faster updates, but may introduce quality problems. A higher value results in a more faithful shape modification, but increases the update time. The following images show how artifacts are introduced when sampling is too low, and how they can be avoided with a higher sampling rate.

  6. Several factors may contribute to undesirable shape artifacts. They have been discussed above, and may include inappropriate NURBS fitting, low sampling density, and conflicts between constraints,modifiers, and clampers. To rule out inappropriate NURBS fitting, try toggling Mesh Output and seeing whether artifacts are affected. To rule out sampling density, try a higher sampling density setting.
  7. After setting up a Lattice Rig, the rig may be partially or totally locked.