Use a lattice to modify shapes

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With the lattice engaged, you can modify lattice points to make changes to the underlying target geometry.

  1. Pick a lattice point.
  2. Click Translate, and move the lattice point.

    Notice that the target geometry updates to reflect the change. If Auto Recalc is turned on, a lightweight proxy of the model is used for display purposes while the mouse button is held down, and the model updates when you release the mouse button. If Auto Recalc is OFF, the proxy is used until the Go button is clicked.

  3. If you want to move a number of points, pick them, then move the picked points by using the manipulators on one of the points: the other points will follow.
  4. Repeat the same workflow for the rest of the lattice points to reshape the geometry.

When you are finished, exit the Lattice Rig tool by choosing another tool.