Change the degree or number of spans of a curve or surface from the Modeling control panel

The rebuild options on the Modeling control panel change the degrees and spans of a curve or surface. The rebuild tool works with only one curve or surface at a time.

  1. Pick the curve or surface whose degree or spans you want to modify.
  2. Modify a field in the Rebuild tool:
  3. Click the Check Deviation button to view the maximum deviation in the prompt line and check if the deviation from the original geometry is acceptable. If not, continue to modify the values in the fields. Hit enter each time you input a new value or Automotive will not recognize there has been a change. After hitting enter, click Check Deviation again.
  4. To keep the changes, click the Accept button that appears in the lower right corner of the modeling view window. To cancel the changes, click the Cancel button.

    If you choose another tool or unpick the geometry before accepting the result, the changes are cancelled.