
There are a number of functions defined for SDL that may be used in an expres-sion or in place of an expression. Most functions (there are a few exceptions) return a single (scalar) value. Most functions are simply routines from the standard UNIX math library. These will not be documented, defined, or described here. The reader is referred to the standard UNIX documentation. They are:

besselj0 besselj1 besseljn


cos acos cosh

erf erfc



floor ceil




sin asin sinh


tan atan atan2 tanh

Some basic extensions to the trigonometric functions are provided so that angles may be expressed in degrees rather than radians:

cosd acosd

sind asind

tand atand atan2d

These are identical to the standard routines in all respects except that the angles are expressed in degrees.

In addition to the math library routines, SDL has the following functions defined:


cl() [formerly cluster()]

constrain( )








rand srand gauss


Each of these is described in detail below.


The animate function is used to define animated behaviors. It takes 2 arguments, and returns a scalar:

animate( <parameter_curve>, <time> )

The <parameter_curve> argument defines the parameter curve to be used for an animation. It must be the name of a <parameter_curve> variable defined in the definition section. The <time> argument specifies where along the curve to interpret the value. It is a scalar, and will nor-mally be the system defined variable frame. The animate function returns a scalar. The value re-turned is the value of the <parameter_curve> at time <time>.


translate(animate( sphere.X_Position, frame ), 0.0, 0.0);

cl() [formerly cluster()]




cl( <cv>, <cluster_matrix_reference>, <percentage> [, <cluster_matrix_reference>, <percentage> ] )

The cl or cluster function takes <cv> and applies the specified clusters at the given percentages.

For a description of how clusters are applied to CVs, please check the animation section of the documentation.


cl(cv((-0.928135, -0.066296, 3.525111), 1.0),
 CL_cluster#2 ,0.0,
 CL_knot100_section270_Relbow ,0.003524,
 CL_knot0_section270_Relbow ,0.879251,
 CL_knot26_section0_Relbow ,0.007034,
 CL_knot0_section0_Relbow ,0.462762) )

constrain( )


constrain ( start, end, by, constrain_value )

Constrain function takes 4 scalar arguments. The return value is constrained to be start, end, or (start + N * by) where (N * by) is not greater than (end - start). The start value must be less than the end value. If (constrain_value <= start) then start is returned. If (constrian_value >= end) then end is returned. If (by = 0), then the function will always return the start value. This function is useful for animating visibility exactly, or turning a smooth curve into discrete steps.


The following function will return 19, because its possible return values are 13, 16, 19, 22, and 25.

x = constrain ( 13, 25, 3, 18 ); 


This function returns a triple value corresponding to the x, y, and z coordinates of a point in space defined in the model where the function is called. It takes a triple as an argument. Its value outside the MODEL section is undefined, and any references to it outside that section are invalid and will generate an error.


<triple_variable> = current_position( x, y, z );


<triple_variable> = current_position( motion(
<motion_path>, animate( <timing_curve>, frame )));


This function returns a transformation value corresponding to its placement in the modeling hierarchy. It does not take any arguments. It is used primarily to mark the location of a solid texture or a cluster. Its value outside the MODEL section is undefined, and any references to it outside that section are invalid and will generate an error.


<texture_orientation> = current_transformation();


The ease function takes 5 arguments. It returns a scalar. It is used primarily for ani-mation.


ease ( <start_val>, <end_val>, <keyword>, <startframe>, <endframe> )

<start_val> is the value returned when the value of frame is less than or equal to <startframe>.

<end_val> is the value returned when the value of frame is greater than or equal to <endframe>.

<keyword> determines how the value to be returned is determined when the value of frame is between <startframe> and <endframe>. It can be any of: EXPOUT, OUT, INOUT, LINEAR, IN, or EXPIN. (Note the use of full capitals.) The following chart provides the functions f(x) which define the shape of the ease curves:

keyword: f(x) range of x
IN: cos (x) 0 <= x <= 90
OUT: cos (x) -90 <= x <= 0
INOUT: -cos (x) 180 <= x <= 360
EXPOUT: ((<frame> - <start frame>)/(<end frame> - <start frame>))0.3
EXPIN: ((<frame> - <start frame>)/(<end frame> - <start frame>))1.8547
LINEAR: x unbounded

The keyword determines the rates of acceleration and deceleration of the charac-teris-tic under animation. The computer interpolates the value being animated and makes this change across the necessary number of frames, easing in or out according to the type of curve selected.


is an scalar that indicates the starting frame of the ease.


is an scalar that indicates the ending frame of the ease.


light(intensity=ease(1.0,0.0,LINEAR,startframe,endframe), color=(255,0,0));


Allows individual channels of a triple to be extracted as scalars. Most useful for getting at the individual values of a motion path. Extract has two arguments, a scalar, which specifies the element to extract and a triple from which the element will be extracted. The first scalar argument must be one of (1, 2, 3) meaning return the first, second, or third scalar of the following triple.

This function returns a scalar.


x = extract(1.0, motion(motion_path, animate(param_curve.Timing, frame)));


The fmod function takes 2 arguments. It returns a scalar, whose value is the floating point remainder of the division of the first argument by the second ar-gument. If the divisor is zero, then an error is reported and execution terminated. The result will have the same sign as the dividend. Note that this is a custom built Animator function because not all UNIX systems provide it.


even = fmod(frame,2);


Given floating point output color (R, G, B), the user-supplied gamma_value, and the function “pow(X,Y)” which raises X to the power of Y, gamma in the renderer is applied:

R=255.0*pow((R/255.0), gamma_value);

G=255.0*pow((G/255.0), gamma_value);

B=255.0*pow((B/255.0), gamma_value);

/*Clip the value to 255.*/

if (R>255.0) R=255.0;

if (G>255.0) G=255.0;

if (B>255.0) B=255.0;


The gauss function does not take any arguments. (The syntax still requires that parentheses be included, however.) It returns a scalar whose value is a pseudo ran-dom number with a gaussian (normal) distribution. The random number function may be initialized by using the srand function to set the seed. If srand is not called, the default seed value will be used. See the description of srand for de-tails. Note that even though the routines to compute random numbers are the same, the numbers returned may be different on different machines because of differences in the under-lying hardware.


distrib = gauss();


The motion function is used to define animated behaviors. It takes 2 arguments:

motion( <curve>, <distance> )

The <curve> argument defines a 3D curve to be used for an animation. It will be the name of a curve variable. The <distance> argument specifies where along the curve to interpret the value. It is a scalar, and specifies the parametric dis-tance along the curve. The parametric distance is 0 at the end of the curve corre-sponding to the first CV and 1 at the end of the curve corresponding to the last CV. Normal usage of the motion function will relate the parametric distance to frame time by way of a nested animate. For example,

	motion( some_path, animate( timing_curve, frame ))

The motion function returns a triple. The value returned is the point along the <curve> at <distance> from the end. If <distance> is outside the range 0 to 1, then the value of <curve> at one end or the other (the start if <distance> is less than 0, the end if <distance> is greater than 1) will be given.


The rand function does not take any arguments. (The syntax still requires that parentheses be included, however.) It returns a scalar whose value is a pseudo ran-dom number uniformly distributed between -1.0 and 1.0. The random number func-tion may be initialized by using the srand function to set the seed. If srand is not called, the default seed value will be used. See the description of srand for de-tails. Note that even though the routines to compute random numbers are the same, the numbers returned may be different on different machines because of differences in the underlying hardware.


flake = rand();


The sign function takes one argument. It returns a scalar with the value -1 if the ar-gument is negative, 0 if the argument is 0, or +1 if the argument is positive.


if (sign(byframe)) print("infinite loop");


The srand function takes one argument. It returns a scalar with the constant value 0. The argument provided will be used as the initial seed for random num-ber genera-tion. The argument should be a scalar. If the argument is omitted or of the wrong type, a warning message will be generated, the default seed value will be used, and execution will continue as if everything were correct. The default seed value is



bogus = srand(54321);


The warp function is used to globally change the timing of animation parameters. It takes 2 arguments:

warp( <curve>, <time> )

The <curve> argument defines the parameter curve to be used for an animation. It will normally be a <parameter_curve> <parameter_vertex>s. The <time> argument specifies where along the curve to interpret the value. It is a scalar, and will nor-mally be the system defined variable frame. The warp function returns a scalar. The value re-turned is the value of the <curve> at time <time>. If <time> is below the first specified value of the <curve>, the value returned is:

start_value - (start_value - <time>)

If <time> is greater than the last value, then the value returned is:

end_value + (<time> - end_value)

In other words, above (or below) the valid range for a warp function, the function increases (or decreases) linearly from the end (or start) values.


animate (“transZ.curve”, warp(“rotateX.curve”, warp(transY.curve”, frame)));

Please note that this function is obsolete.