Lets you customize various settings and options of Alias.
A check mark in the check box turns on icon labels, which show text labels beneath icons. This option is saved when you exit from Alias.
Turn off or on text hints that appear in the interface when the mouse cursor hovers over a tool icon for longer than 1 second.
Turn off or on the units and grid size information on the top of the active modeling window.
Use to turn on or off the appearance of the status bar at the bottom of the Alias window.
Choose either Absolute or Relative. Specifies whether the numbers that you type for Transform functions are absolute (ABS) or relative (REL) addresses. ABS uses the origin for placement (0, 0, 0), and 0 degrees along the X, Y, and Z axes for rotation. REL uses the object’s current placement and rotation.
Check the Pick Chooser on or off. If it is on (the default), a small box appears under the mouse when more than one object is picked by a mouse click. This box contains a list of all pickable items under the mouse and allows you to choose the one you want.
Specifies the number of pixels (from 0 to 256) of cursor movement when you press an arrow key. The default value is 1.
Select the view control
to display when you enter camera move mode in the Perspective view
( +
(Windows) or
None – Displays no view control.
View Panel – Displays the Viewing Panel. See Using the Viewing Panel.
ViewCube – Displays the ViewCube.
Specifies the time (in seconds) it takes for one view to smoothly rotate into another. Choose a value between 0.0 and 4.0 by typing in the numeric field or dragging the slider.
Specifies the behavior
of the mouse buttons while navigating in the perspective view, when
the (Windows) or
(Mac) and
keys are held down.
Azimuth/Twist – The mouse buttons behave as follows:
Tumble/Zoom – The mouse buttons behave as follows:
Specifies the angle increment
when using the arrow keys to change the azimuth ( /
) or elevation (
Forces tumbling to happen around one axis. Tumbling is constrained about an axis that is perpendicular to the line described by the initial mouse movement, and once the tumble has been started, the mouse needs to deviate substantially off the initial line in order for the camera to no longer tumble about the initially described axis.
Larger values make it easier for the tumbling to get constrained to an axis. Smaller values make it more difficult.
Check on to set the dolly-in or dolly-out point to be the mouse cursor. If not checked, the dolly-in or dolly-out point will be the origin (0, 0, 0). If Dolly to Point is also checked, Dolly to Point takes precedence—the point of interest will be the dolly focus if it is visible in the active window.
Check on or off the visibility of the Point of Interest Manipulator. The default is off.
Check on to set the dolly-in or dolly-out point to be the point of interest on screen. If checked off, the dolly point will be the mouse cursor if Dolly to Mouse is checked, or the origin if neither Dolly tT Point nor Dolly To Mouse is checked.
Check on or off the guidelines
and numerical box that appear when you use the Transform > Move tool.
Check to show the red, green, and blue XYZ axis marker in each modeling window.
Specifies the level of transparency of the window title bars. A value of 0.0 is completely opaque, and a value of 1.0 is completely transparent (letting you see the grid and model through the title bars).
None – The window background displays with no gradient.
Linear – The window background displays with a gradient that is darker at the top than the bottom. This is the default.
Centered – The window background displays with a centered gradient that is lighter in the middle.
Set to a value between
0 and 10. This option used to be found under Delete > Delete Guidelines ❒.
Choose either Name or Number. Choose Name to assign any name to the modeling layers; choose Number to name layers L1, L2, L3, and so on.
Choose Low, Medium, or High.
Check on or off to display or hide the brush preview. When the Brush Stamp Preview is turned on, the cursor displays a preview image of how the brush will apply paint to the sketch.
Check to show white crosshairs centered on the brush’s midpoint.
Select one of the following options to display or hide the brush outline:
Off – Do not display brush outline
Off During Stroke – Display brush outline except when creating a stroke of paint
On – Always display brush outline
Sets the amount of time (in seconds) that it will take before the windows reappear. Choose a value between 0.00 and 10.00 seconds.
The distance in pixels within which a brush will snap to a curve when curve snapping is on, from 4 to 128. The default is 25.
Sets the size (in pixels) of any new canvases that are created. The default width is 842 pixels.
Sets the size (in pixels) of any new canvases that are created. The default height is 595 pixels.
Specifies what type of canvas is created when you start sketching in a Perspective window with no canvases.
Always prompt me – The New Canvas option window appears so that you can choose the type of canvas and canvas parameters. This is the default.
Standard canvas – A standard canvas of default width and height is always created.
Overlay canvas – An overlay canvas of default width and height is always created.
Check this option to see the image layer thumbnails in the Canvas Layer Editor.
Relative size of the shader sample thumbnails in the Visualize Control Panel.
SMALL – Fits three thumbnails across the panel.
LARGE – Fits two thumbnails across the panel.
The location of the library of shaders that will appear in the Visualize Control Panel.
This location can also be specified by using the Shader Library > Change Library menu at the top of the Visualize Control Panel.
If this field is blank, a default library is used.
(Windows only) Choose Windows or Alias, depending whether you want to search for files using the default Alias Browser or the Windows Browser. The Windows file browser lets you store up to eight frequently used paths in the GO menu. This option only appears in the Windows Interface Options window.
Set the directory for
CheckPoint files to be stored. For more information about CheckPoint
files, see File > Checkpoint . If this string is left
blank, the directory defaults to current_project/wire/Checkpoints.
Set the directory for files to be stored in the event of Alias terminating abnormally. If this string is left blank, the default is current_project/wire/_M.SAVES.
Restart required for these values
The location of the Alias online help. This can be a file system path or a URL. For example:
You must set this option to open the online help from the Help menu.
The location of a library of digital resources, such as shaders or wire files. This path is available as the Library menu item in the file browser.
The directory deleted files are moved to. If you do not type an absolute path, the path is relative to your user_data directory.
In Windows, this defaults to the Recycle Bin.
This option specifies the location that Alias will use as scratch disk space. If it is checked (default), the user’s temporary directory is used. If it is unchecked, you can choose another location using the field below. The files that Alias creates in the scratch directory are automatically cleared when you exit the software.
Type the path to the location that you want to use as scratch disk space, or use the Browse button.
Check if you want to reduce the amount of memory used to keep track of actions that can be undone. If checked, the Maximum undos slider becomes available.
Check to limit the operations that can be undone based on RAM. If checked, the Maximum memory slider becomes available.
If you have chosen to limit the number of undo operations that can be performed, choose a number between 0 (no undo operations) and 100.
Allows you to limit the amount of RAM that will be allocated for Undo operations. The available range is 0 megabytes (no memory allocated for Undo operations) to 500 megabytes. The default is 300 megabytes.
Restart required for these values
These next two options contain the search path(s) that are used to locate and load plug-ins into Alias.
Print Brief or Full messages
to the error log (Utilities > Errlog ) while loading/unloading
The path(s) that are searched for plug-ins. Separate paths on the lines with colons (:). Paths are searched in order.