Surface Edit > Create CurvesOnSurface > Project Normal

Instead of projecting along a single vector, projects the curve onto each point on the surface along the normal at that point.

Create curves-on-surface from geometry

Create curves-on-surface from existing curves and surfaces by intersecting surfaces, projecting curves onto surfaces, and mapping curves onto surfaces.


There are four basic tools for creating curves-on-surface from existing curves:

To create curves-on-surface at the intersection between two surfaces

  1. Pick the surfaces on which you want to create curves-on-surface (the target surfaces).
    TipAlternately, you can select the Intersect tool before selecting the surface on which you want to create curves-on-surface, and then click the Go button.
  2. Click the Intersect icon, or choose Surface Edit > Create CurvesOnSurface > Intersect from the palette.
  3. Click the surface you want to intersect with the picked surfaces. This intersecting surface cannot be one of the picked surfaces.
  4. If a surface was picked in step 3, the Intersect tool creates curves-on-surface.
    • If the Create Curves on Surface option is set to On First Surface, the Intersect tool creates curves-on-surface on the target surfaces, but not on the intersecting surface you clicked in step 3.
    • If the Create Curves on Surface option is set to On Both Surfaces, the Intersect tool creates curves-on-surface on both the target and the intersecting surfaces.
  5. Repeat step 3 for another intersecting surface if necessary.

To project a curve or surface outline to create a curve-on-surface

  1. Pick the surfaces on which you want to create curves-on-surface.
    TipAlternately, you can select the Project tool before the surface on which you want to create curves-on-surface, and then click the Go button.
  2. If you want to project a curve or surface outline along a view vector of a window, select that window.

    Otherwise, create a reference vector to represent the projection direction.

  3. Click the Project icon, or choose Surface Edit > Create CurvesOnSurface > Project from the palette.

    An indicator appears showing the projection vector.

  4. Do one of the following:
    • Click the curve, isoparametric curve, or curve-on-surface you want to project onto the surface(s). The curve is projected along the view vector of the active window.
    • Click the reference vector (that you have previously created that represents the projection direction. The curve is projected along the vector direction.

    This operation can take some time depending on the complexity of the geometry. Press to cancel the operation.

  5. You can now:
    • Continue to click curves to project.
    • Click another vector to change the projection direction.
    • Shift-click on the selected vector to project the curve or surface along the view vector of the active window.
    • Select new surfaces using a Pick tool and click the Project icon again.
    • Choose another tool.

To project a curve along the surface normals to create a curve-on-surface

  1. Pick the surfaces on which you want to create curves-on-surface.
    TipAlternately, you can select the Project Normal tool before selecting the surface on which you want to create curves-on-surface, and then click the Go button.
  2. Click the Project Normal icon, or choose Surface Edit > Create CurvesOnSurface > Project Normal from the palette.
  3. Click the curve, isoparametric curve, or curve-on-surface you want to project.

    The curve is projected onto all picked surfaces along the normals of the surfaces.

    This operation can take some time depending on the complexity of the geometry. Press to cancel the operation.

  4. You can now:
    • Continue to click curves to project.
    • Select new surfaces using a Pick tool and click the Project Normal icon again.
    • Choose another tool.

To map a curve onto a surface to create a curve-on-surface

  1. Figure out how you want the curve to map:
    • Check the parametric directions of the surface. Use the Reverse Direction tool to display and reverse the surface direction if necessary.
    • Note which world space axes correspond to the U and V axes of the surface.
  2. Set up the options.
  3. Pick the surface on which to create curves-on-surface.
  4. Click the Geometry Mapping icon, or choose Surface Edit > Create CurvesOnSurface > Geometry Mapping from the palette.
  5. Click the curve, isoparametric curve, or curve-on-surface you want to map.

    The curve is mapped onto the picked surface using the settings in the Geometry Mapping option window.

  6. You can now:
    • Continue to click curves to map.
    • Select a new surface using a Pick tool and click the Geometry Mapping tool again.
    • Choose another tool.

Tips and notes


The following limitations apply to the Surface Edit > Create CurvesOnSurface > Project , Surface Edit > Create CurvesOnSurface > Intersect , and Evaluate > Cross Section tools:

Project Normal Options


Curves-on-surface – The projection results in curves-on-surface.

Curves – The projection results in free curves.


The accuracy of the match between the original curve and the curve-on-surface. The smaller the value, the more accurate the projection, but the longer the calculation time required.

For example, if the Tolerance is 0.01, the curve-on-surface must match the original curve within 0.01 units at each point that Project normal checks.

Curve data factor

Number of times that each surface patch is subdivided to get an accurate result.

The default is 1, which is sufficient for most surfaces. Larger values increase calculation time. Only increase the value for very simple surfaces.

Match Original

This option is only available if Create is set to Curves.

If this option is checked, the edit points from the original curves are projected on the surface(s), and the projected curves interpolate them, resulting in a similar number of spans.

If this option is not checked, the resulting curves will be better approximations of the projected sections from the original curves, but will likely contain more spans.

Create History

Save the history of the projection for later editing. If you turn Create History on, you can modify the curves and surfaces that were used to create the projected curves, and the projected curves will update.