View > World Move Camera > Track

Slides the view horizontally or vertically.

In general, it is more convenient to use the Autodesk® ViewCube® or View Panel ( + (Windows) or + (Mac)). However this tool lets you set certain options more precisely.

Viewing Options


These sliders let you define a view by positioning the camera. The Eye position, View point position, and Up vector end point determine the view. The nine fields for these options contain decimal numbers. They represent, from left to right, the X, Y, and Z Coordinates for each of the three camera parameters. To see the camera as you modify it, use WindowDisplay > Toggles > Cameras .


The Zoom slider also takes a decimal number which defines the extent of the field of view of the camera. Values must be positive in the range of 0.2 to 179.

For orthographic windows, two of the three Eye and View values must be the same, and two of the three Eye and Up values must be the same. If they are all different or all the same, the results are unpredictable. This is because viewing operations on orthographic windows are done on the window rather than the camera of the window.

See Also