Limitations specific to certain operating systems or hardware configurations.
Operating system and hardware limitations are those specific to certain operating systems or hardware configurations.
For the latest list of operating system and hardware limitations, check the appropriate Qualification Chart at the Autodesk web site:
To open a Checkpoint wire file, use File > Checkpoint ❒. Since Checkpoints are wire files, you can also open them using File > Open. However, on Mac OS, File > Open displays a directory filtered to show Wire files only, and since Checkpoint files do not have the .wire extension, they will not be visible and selectable. You can change the Show filter to All, so the checkpoint files are visible and can be opened.
Due to platform differences, preference sets saved in Alias on Windows cannot be loaded on Mac OS (and vice versa).
Hotkeys are currently not supported cross-platform (Windows to Mac OS or Mac OS to Windows) either as independent files, or within the .aps Pref Set binary files created by Preferences > User Preferences > Save/Load Preference Set. If you are loading a Preference Set written from another platform, we recommend you turn off the Hotkeys option during Load.
Disable the graphics card-based Anti-Aliasing and use the software-based Anti-Aliasing from within Alias.
Solution: Install latest available driver from vendor.