

print ( "string", <scalar | triple> ) ;


print ( "string" ) ;


This statement prints a string and the value of a scalar, or just a string. The string is required, although it may be empty.

print may be used by itself, for example

print ("This just prints a comment");

Alternately, print may be used as a function within some larger construct. When used in this way, print passes the value of the variable through as though the print were not there at all. For example,

x = print ("x = ", a );

results in x being assigned the value of variable a. If only a string is given (no vari-able), the passed through value is scalar(0). Thus,

x = print ("This is just a comment");

is equivalent to assigning the scalar value 0 to variable x. The end of a print statement is marked by a semicolon.

If the item being printed is a triple, the return value of the print statement is also a triple.


print("a thing", thing);