

rotate ( <axis index>, <scalar> ) ;


rot ( <axis index>, <scalar> ) ;


Rotations are performed about an axis. The <axis index> specifies which axis to ro-tate about. The <axis index> is just a scalar, interpreted as an integer. It must have a value of 0, 1 or 2, where a value of 0 indicates rotation about the x axis, 1 indicates rotation about the y axis, and 2 indicates rotation about the z axis. Three system de-fined constants are provided (xaxis, yaxis, and zaxis) for convenience in specifying the <axis index>. The <scalar> specifies the amount of rotation (measured in de-grees). The order of application for rotate statements is impor-tant. A rotate statement for the x axis followed by one for the z axis does not have the same effect as the re-verse order of application. The end of a rotate statement is marked by a semi-colon.

Note that rot and rotate keywords can be used interchangeably.


rotate(zaxis, 45);