System Defined Constants

Like the system defined variables, there are some constants which are defined as part of the SDL. These constants are always defined, and may be refer-enced as desired. Each is described below.

The following constants are defined in this section.


This is a constant with the scalar value of 0. It is useful when a constant truth value is desired. Note that the value is identical to the constant OFF, with which it is inter-changeable.


This is a constant with the scalar value of 0. It is useful when a constant truth value is desired. Note that the value is identical to the constant FALSE, with which it is inter-changeable.


This is a constant with the scalar value of 1. It is useful when a constant truth value is desired.

Note that the value is identical to the constant TRUE, with which it is inter-changeable.


This is a constant with the scalar value of 1. It is useful when a constant truth value is desired. Note that the value is identical to the constant ON, with which it is inter-changeable.


This is a constant with the scalar value of 0. It is meant to describe one of the possible axes of rotation for use in the rotatestatement. See the description of that statement for more information on the meaning of the possible axes.


This is a constant with the scalar value of 1. It is meant to describe one of the possible axes of rotation for use in the rotate statement. See the description of that statement for more information on the meaning of the possible axes.


This is a constant with the scalar value of 2. It is meant to describe one of the possible axes of rotation for use in the rotate statement. See the description of that statement for more information on the meaning of the possible axes.