

turbulence_intensity = <scalar>,


-infinity to infinity




This defines the degree to which a volume light is turbulent. The light or force direction is modified by the turbulence, such that when the turbulence_intensity = 1.0 then the direction is totally the direction calculated by the turbulence. When the turbulence_intensity = 0.5, then the direction will be a 50/50 blend of turbulence and light. In the case of the default SPHERE_VOLUME shape, a value of 0.5 would cause objects to move generally away from the light, but in a turbulent fashion.

If the turbulence_intensity = 1, then objects would just swirl around in no particular direction. The decay of the light is respected, however, so the objects would swirl more vigorously near the light source. If you wish to increase the general level of force you must use the light intensity or force_intensity parameter. Note that this differs from the turbulence_intensity in the Environment dynamics section, as that value controls the overall intensity of force.