Filename Data Type


filename <name> (“quoted string” <scalar> );


filename <name> (“quoted string”);




(“quoted string” <scalar> )


(“quoted string”)


This defines a filename. A filename may be specified as a literal or as a variable. If specified as a variable, it must have a name. A filename has at least one, and optionally two components. These are identified by position rather than by keyword. The first component is a UNIX path. If only the first component is present, then the path must specify a file. The second component is an extension. If it is specified, then its value is converted to an integer and appended (using the normal “dot” extension form) to the path. If an extension component is supplied, then it will always be used. This does NOT depend upon any sense of Animation.

The total filename (path plus extension) must identify a file.

A filename may specify a full or relative UNIX path. Relative paths are applied with respect to the current working directory when the renderer is invoked.

A filename variable may receive either form (single component or two component) in an assignment.


filename anim_texture_in(“~/texture/hoops” (frame -1));

Note that the expression (frame -1) is not necessarily integer in value. That is, it could be 3.5 if rendering on fields. The extension will be converted to an integer, however. Thus, the field where frame equals 4.0 and the field were frame equals 4.5 will both generate “~/texture/hoops.4” in this example.