Shade surfaces with a close approximation of their rendered appearance, allowing you to preview and edit the look of the rendered scene.
Quickly create a ground shadow
The model is shaded and ground shadows are displayed. The ground is located at Z = 0 (in a Z up coordinate system, or Y = 0 in a Y up coordinate system). By default, the shadow is projected from a light source located 45 degrees to the right and above the model.
You can also:
The shadows update each time an option is modified.
Create a shadow from a user-defined light source
The position and direction of the light is used to generate the ground shadow.
Only the light currently being edited throws shadows. All other lights are turned off automatically.
If you modify the orientation of the light source, the shadow updates interactively.
Reflect background environment
Alias uses VPro graphics capabilities to implement hardware-accelerated per-fragment lighting when the Light source option is DEFAULT.
This results in more realistic-looking depictions of Phong-shaded surfaces. Other shader types (Lambert and Blinn) appear matte gray.
To show a render preview
of all shaders (not just Phong) on an Octane2 with VPro graphics,
choose WindowDisplay > Hardware Shade ❒, then click a Light source option
other than DEFAULT.
Choose WindowDisplay > Hardware Shade ❒.
The Light source option controls how the surfaces are lit.
If Light source is set to SELECTED LIGHTS but no lights are picked, or if Light source is set to ALL LIGHTS but there are no lights in the scene, the surfaces are not lit and appear black. Switch to DEFAULT lighting or create/pick some lights in the scene.
Choose WindowDisplay > Hardware Shade ❒.
The Light source option controls how the surfaces are lit.
To use the lights you have set up the scene, set Light source to ALL LIGHTS, or pick the lights you want to use and set Light source to SELECTED LIGHTS.