Trim Convert Enhancement

The Surface Edit > Trim > Trim convert tool has been overhauled and now combines the functionality of trimming with that of converting a four-sided trimmed surface to a surface with natural boundaries.

This new version of the tool lets you select any surface, instead of only trimmed surfaces.

  1. Choose Surface Edit > Trim > Trim convert
  2. Select a surface. (You can only trim convert one surface at a time.)
  3. Click on the regions to keep. If 3D Trimming is turned on, you can first select curves to project onto the surface in order to define trim regions.

    Crosshairs appear on the selected regions. The size of those region selectors can be modified through the option window.

  4. Click the Convert button

    The tool trims the surface, then attempts to convert the trimmed surface to a new surface with natural boundaries.

    A locator shows the maximum deviation between the original and the converted surface.

  5. If you are not happy with the result, click the Revert button to get back the original untrimmed surface.
Note If you select a trim region that is not four-sided, the system issues an error and asks you to redefine the trim region.

The option window now contains Trim surface options (highlighted below). Chain Select is not an option but happens automatically. All the old Trim convert options remain.