Enhancements to Bookmarks

The Bookmark Lister now allows you to:

Adding and managing shelves

The Bookmark Lister will provide the ability to add and manage shelves using the standard shelf interaction conventions. These include:

Create and name a shelf

Create a new shelf by clicking the in an empty part of the Bookmark Lister, and choosing New shelf from the drop down menu. Enter a Shelf Name in the confirm box that appears. If two shelves are given the same name, a sequential number is appended to create unique names (for example, Shelf, Shelf#2, Shelf#3 and so on).

Rename a shelf

Hold the key (Windows) or key (Mac) and double-click the shelf title tab to rename the shelf.

Move a shelf

Hold the on the shelf tab and drag it to relocate the shelf within the list of shelves.

Delete a shelf

Hold the on the shelf tab and drag the shelf to the trash can icon to delete it.

Selecting and managing bookmarks

Select multiple bookmarks

A bookmark icon is selected with the . Multiple bookmark icons can be selected for moving, deletion or publishing by holding down the key (Windows) or key (Mac) and selecting the bookmark icons. A highlighted white border surrounds each selected bookmark. If the current bookmark is selected, it is surrounded by a lighter green border (a mixture of green and white pixels). The current bookmark is selected by default but can be deselected by clicking it while holding the key (Windows) or key (Mac).

NoteMultiple bookmarks can be selected on the current shelf only.

Rename bookmark

Hold down the key (Windows) or key (Mac) and double-click the bookmark icon to provide a field to rename the bookmark.

Move bookmark icon(s)

Select the bookmark icon with the and drag to the new location. Multiple selections are positioned sequentially at the position indicated by the red arrow.

Delete bookmark(s)

Select one or more bookmark icons, and either drag them to the trash can icon by holding the , or just click the trash can icon.

NoteIf you click and drag an unselected bookmark to the trash can, only that one, and not the previously selected ones, is deleted.

Publishing shelves and multiple selections

Publish current shelf

A new choice called Current Shelf now exists for the Bookmark Publish option in the Publish option box. It publishes the content of the current shelf.

Publish multiple bookmarks

Multiple bookmarks from the current shelf can be published by using the key (Windows) or key (Mac) to add to the selection. The selection will include the current bookmark. Setting the Bookmark Publish option to Selected (which used to be called Current) lets you publish all the selected bookmarks. Choosing All publishes all bookmarks from all shelves.

Toggling display attributes on bookmarks

The bookmarks capture the current camera view and settings as well as a selection of display attributes and diagnostic display values.

We added a toggle called Camera to the Bookmark Lister to allow bookmarks to be displayed either with the camera view only, or with both the view and display attributes (default). When Camera is toggled on, the current display mode (diagnostic shading, hardware shading, and so on) does not change when a bookmark is selected.

Three bookmarked views with Toggle Camera Only turned Off

After viewing the first bookmark, Toggle Camera Only is turned On. Display attributes remain the same when viewing the other two bookmarks.

This toggle option (Toggle Camera Only Mode) is also available as a hotkey from the Hotkey Editor.