New Shader library

This release of Alias includes a new Shader Library that is visually consistent with the Autodesk Showcase extended Material Library. Importing Alias files that use these shaders into Showcase will now produce predictable results, with little, if any adjustments required.

The new Shader Library files are located in the shaders subdirectory of the Alias 2010 install directory. The default location is:

C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Alias2010\shaders (Windows)

/Applications/Autodesk/Alias2010/shaders (Mac)

The old shaders are still available in the shaders_old subdirectory.

To change the Shader Library to the old one

  1. In the Visualize Control Panel, click Shader Library and select Change Location. The Browse for Folder appears.
  2. Navigate to the Alias 2010 install directory, select the shaders_old sub-directory and click OK.
NoteYou can also change the Shader Library to the old one in the Library Location box in Preferences > General Preferences > Visualization.

To import Alias models that use the new Shading Library shaders into Showcase

  1. In Showcase, select File > New Scene to open the scene.
  2. Select File > Import Models and open the Alias file.
  3. Select Material > Replace Imported Materials and click Mapped.
    NoteTextures do not map to the same scale.