Apply a time warp

How to modify the times of the animation curves.

Apply a time warp

  1. Create an animation on several objects.
  2. Choose Animation > Create > New Time Warp , and a new time warp curve is created. This time warp curve is now applied to all channels of all active items.
    TipThe new time warp curve does not initially have any warping effects on the channels to which it is applied. You can open the Action Graph Editor in the Action window and edit the time warp curve to create different warping effects.

Cycle sections of animation with a time warp

To change the range of animation to be cycled

  1. Create an animation on several objects and choose Animation > Create > New Cycles Warp .

    A new time warp curve is created that will be applied to all specified channels of the selected animated items. These channels now cycle through the animation between frames 1 and 30 twice before continuing on with the remainder of the animation.

  2. To change the range of animation to be cycled, or the number of cycles, choose New cycles warp to display the Cycle Options window and change the options.

An alternate way to cycle the complete range of animation on a channel for an infinite (or undetermined) number of times is to use the Cycles or Oscillate out-of-range type on the base action of a channel, instead of applying a timewarp. See the Action Tools menu items in the Action Window. For more information on timewarp curves, see

Scale animation timing with a time warp

To set new scale warps

  1. Create an animation on several objects.
  2. Choose Animation > Create > New Scale Warp to display the Time Scale Options window.
  3. Set the Time Scale option to 2. A new timewarp curve is created that is applied to all specified channels of the selected animated items.

    These channels are now all scaled by 2, which means that their animation now takes twice as long to play back.

    NoteYou can also scale the animation on channels by selecting the channels in the Action Window, and using Transform > Scale to scale the channels. See Animation > Editors > Action Window for details.