In this section, you will organize your model by grouping. One group will be the base of the lamp, the other group will be the angled arm and hinge. The groups will be named and managed using the Object Lister. The Object Lister is a schematic view of the objects in your scene. It is very useful for managing the components of a design.
Watch Part 3 of the
Using the Object Lister to control visibility
Use the Object Lister to turn off the sketch, making the geometry easier to select.
The objects in your scene are listed.
The sketch is shown at the top of the list, followed by the cylinders you created.
Release the mouse button and the sketch disappears from the screen.
Individual objects can be grouped so they can be selected with a single click. A group has a single pivot point.
The selected objects are highlighted in white and are also highlighted in the Object Lister.
Note that each cylinder is showing a different pivot point.
The grouped objects are now shown with a single pivot point at the origin. The separate cylinders in the Object Lister have now been replaced by a single item named node.
The word node is highlighted.
Type Base to name the group, then
press (Windows) or
Next, group and name the upper arm of the lamp.