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Create cloud effects using solid textures
Apply solid textures
Create smoke effects using solid textures
Create flame effects using
solid textures
create flames using the sCloud texture,
create a shader and set the shader parameters as follows:
- Set Shading Model to LIGHTSOURCE
- Set Color to
- Set the Refractive Index value
to 1
- Set Transparency to
its maximum setting (white)
- Set the Glow value
to 0.5
- Map Incandescence with
an sCloud texture.
Set the sCloud parameters
as follows:
- Set Color1 to
pure green and Color2 to pure red
- Set the Transp_range value
to 0.3
- Set the Center_thresh value
to -0.5
- Set the Amplitude value
to 2
- Set Rgbmult to
a Value of 2.
Apply the shader to a
sphere or an elongated (non-proportionately scaled) sphere. Non-proportionately
scale the sCloud texture’s Object
Placement Object to create a more vertical looking flame.