
The Volume procedure allows the system to interpret multiple pix files in a sequence as a volume of pixels. When an object is assigned a shader with its color set to a volumetric texture, and “mapping” is set to “volumetric,” the object will appear to cut through a cube formed by stacking the pix files up. X, Y, and Z on the surface are mapped to U,V, and pixfile number. The size of the cube is defined by the texture transform.

When used as a subtexture of the “Ball” texture, “mapping” should be set to “directional.” In this case, the pix file sequence should be set to a sequence of ball images photographed from equal angles around the ball. The volume then maps U,V, View_Direction to U,V, Pixfile number.

Argument Name Absolute Range Useful Range Default Description
from 1-1024 1-1024 1 The extension number of the first pix file in the sequence of pix files that makes up the pixel volume
to 1-1024 1-1024 1 The extension number of the last pix file in the sequence of pix files that makes up the pixel volume.
pix_sequence --- --- --- The name of the first pix file of the sequence of pix files that make up the pixel volume.
mapping directional, volumetric directional, volumetric   The method by which UV or XYZ parameters are mapped onto pixel values for the pixel volume.
xripples 0, infinity 0, 100 1.0 Fundamental frequencies for noise function
yripples 0, infinity 0, 100 1.0 " "
zripples 0, infinity 0, 100 1.0 " "
level_min 0, infinity 0, 50 0.0 Minimum allowed level of iteration
level_max 0, infinity 0, 50 20.0 Maximum allowed level of iteration
ratio 0, 1 0, 1 0.707 Ratio for fractal noise
transformation_name     no default.