
“sWood” is a solid texture.

Argument Name Absolute Range Useful Range Default Description
xmult -infinity, infinity -10, 10 1.0 Scaling factors for extent of pix file
ymult -infinity, infinity -10, 10 1.0 " " " "
xoffset -infinity, infinity -10, 10 0.0 Offsets for position of pix file
yoffset -infinity, infinity -10, 10 0.0 " " "
xamplitude -infinity, infinity 0, 10 0.1 Amplitude of noise function for x direction
yamplitude -infinity, infinity 0, 10 0.1 Amplitude of noise function for y direction
center_u -3,3 -3,3 0.5 Origin for growth of ring layers
center_v -3, 3 -3, 3 0.5 “ “ “
grain_contrast 0, 1 0, 1 1.0 Contrast between vein and wood color
grain_spacing 0, 1 0, 1 0.01 Spacing of grain dots
grain_color (triple) 0, infinity 0, 255 30, 10, 0 Color of the grain
filler_color (triple) 0, infinity 0, 255 210,160,120 Color of the filler part between rings
vein_color (triple) 0, infinity 0, 255 40, 20, 10 Color of the vein part of rings
vein_spread 0, infinity 0, 3 0.25 Diffusion of vein color into the rings
layer_size 0, infinity 0, 0.5 0.02 Mean spacing between rings
randomness 0, 1 0, 1 0.5 Degree of randomization of layers
age 0, infinity 0, 100 20.0 Time in years for ring layer thickness to reach maximum
xripples 0, infinity 0, 100 1.0 Fundamental frequencies for noise function
yripples 0, infinity 0, 100 1.0 " "
zripples 0, infinity 0, 100 1.0 " "
level_min 0, infinity 0, 50 0.0 Minimum allowed level of iteration
level_max 0, infinity 0, 50 20.0 Maximum allowed level of iteration
ratio 0, 1 0, 1 0.707 Ratio for fractal noise
transformation_name     no default.