
“Projection” is a solid texture.

The Projection procedure can be thought of as the solid equivalent of a two-dimensional texture.

A solid file texture can be extremely beneficial as it is not affected by the parameterization of a surface. Therefore, a solid file texture is not prone to the same distortion that can occur when mapping a surface texture to a surface with uneven parameterization.

The projection procedure requires the input of a source texture (see How to Use). Environment textures are not recommended as source textures for the Projection procedure. Although the system will allow you to use Environment textures, the results are likely to be unpredictable.

If the input source texture is a file, it can be projected in six different ways, through the use of the Projection argument.

When the noise amplitude is set to 0, the image file specified is simply projected through space. When the noise amplitude is not equal to 0, the projection is perturbed with fractal noise (this takes much more time to render). The Projection texture works in a similar fashion to sMarble and sWood: it moves an image through space, creating a solid block with the image on it. Therefore, if you want to create solid marble; and solid wood textures from scanned-in images or painted pix files, you can create them using Projection.

Argument Name Absolute Range Useful Range Default Description
xmult -infinity, infinity -10, 10 1.0 Scaling factors for extent of pix file
ymult -infinity, infinity -10, 10 1.0 " " "
xoffset -infinity, infinity -10, 10 0.0 Offsets for position of pix file
yoffset -infinity, infinity -10, 10 0.0 " " " "
xamplitude -infinity, infinity 0, 10 1.5 Amplitude of noise function for x direction
yamplitude -infinity, infinity 0, 10 1.5 Amplitude of noise function for y direction
projection_type   triplanarcubicballcylindricalsphericalplanar   Projection type used for mapping the solid texture
xripples 0, infinity 0, 100 1.0 Fundamental frequencies for noise function
yripples 0, infinity 0, 100 1.0 " "
zripples 0, infinity 0, 100 1.0 " "
level_min 0, infinity 0, 50 0.0 Minimum allowed level of iteration
level_max 0, infinity 0, 50 20.0 Maximum allowed level of iteration
ratio 0, 1 0, 1 0.707 Ratio for fractal noise
transformation_name     no default.  

Please note that X,Y, and Z refer to the height, width, and depth respectively of the scene as it would appear in the FRONT window, regardless of coordinate system.