Create curves-on-surface by projecting curves onto surfaces

Create curves-on-surface by projecting the shape of one surface onto another (like outlining the shadow of one surface on another).

Set up the Project tool

The Project tool lets you project along the view of one of the open windows, or along the line of a reference vector object.

If one of the windows is looking down the line you want to project along, you do not need to create a reference vector. To project along an arbitrary line that does not rely on a window, create a reference vector.

Create or edit a reference vector

TipEven if one of the windows is looking along the line you want, it’s convenient to create a reference vector along the same line so you don’t have to worry about the current window when using the tool.

Project curves onto surfaces

  1. Pick the surfaces on which you want to create curves-on-surface.
  2. Choose Surface Edit > Create CurvesOnSurface > Project .
  3. Do one of the following:
    • Click a reference vector object.
    • Click the title bar of the view window you want to use as the line along which to project.
  4. Click the curves you want to project.

    As you click, the tool creates curves-on-surface on the picked surfaces.

    The operation can take time depending on the complexity of the objects. To cancel, press .

    Troubleshooting trimmed surfaces