New Diagnostic Shading presets

The Diagnostic Shading section of the Modeling control panel has been renamed to Shading and four new environment and shading preset buttons have been added to it—three Visual State buttons and one File State button. Click these buttons to turn on hardware shading and shade the model using the environment and shading settings associated with each button.

You can change the settings associated with each of these buttons.

The settings for Visual State buttons 1, 2 and 3 are stored with your user preferences.

The settings for the last active environment are stored with the fourth button, the File State button, when you save your file. The settings are saved with the file, so anyone opening the file can set the environment to your last active environment using the File State button.

To turn on hardware shading and apply a preset enviroment

To change settings for Visual State buttons 1 - 3

  1. Click the button for the Visual State preset you want to change. The Visual State controls for the button display.

  2. Click Shade Settings and adjust the hardware shading settings in the Hardware Shade dialog box.
  3. Click Enviroment Editor and adjust the environment settings in the Environment Editor.
  4. To save your changes, click Save To Prefs.

To change settings for the File State button

  1. Click the button for the File State. The File State controls for the button display.

  2. Click Shade Settings and adjust the hardware shading settings in the Hardware Shade dialog box.
  3. Click Enviroment Editor and adjust the environment settings in the Environment Editor.
  4. Save the file.

To turn off hardware shading