Limitations related to animation, inverse kinematics, constraints, and clusters.
The Action Window has no vertical grid labels on Mac OS.
Constants used by parameter curves were changed in AliasStudio2009 without a change to the wire file code. As a result, animation of light parameters in files created before AliasStudio 2009 and retrieved in AliasStudio 2009 will be incorrect. Files created and retrieved in the same version will be fine. Files created in 2009 and retrieved in another version will also be incorrect. Files created before 2009 and retrieved in 2010 will be fine. There is no way to detect the problem so incorrect files will need to be manually repaired.
If the above is not what you want, you can create new copies by cutting and pasting the curves in the Action Window.
Turn Optimization off in the Playback Options.
When the slope of the curve segment between two successive keyframes is greater than 573 — that is, tan(89.9 degrees), linear tangents are not calculated correctly. (Alias truncates the values to avoid numerical errors elsewhere.)
Create the curve on a dummy node with a smaller range of values, and use an expression to scale the value of the curve.
If you pick an object with visibility animation at a frame where it is visible, play back, and then stop playback at a frame where the object is not visible, then the object remains on the pick list, and may be inadvertently transformed or deleted.
Use Pick > Nothing to ensure there are no invisible
objects picked.
Set a keyframe for these values instead, or use an expression like “1 + frame * 0” instead of a constant expression “1”.
Turn off particle emission, bake the rand() and gauss() expressions (using the Bake plug-in), and then turn particle emission back on.
Ensure that all referenced pix files associated with an image plane are in place when you save the wire file. If necessary, use a placeholder pix file when saving out the wirefile. If this is not done, the animation associated with the image plane may not be retrievable.
You can warp the surface for a similar effect, and UV constraints do work with warped surfaces.
If an object has never had its local axes explicitly set, Alias assumes that they are always at a (0,0,0) rotation in object space. So if you watched the local axes while you Zero-transformed the object, for example, the local axes would appear to be transformed as well. However, if you had set Local Axes, Alias does not modify them during Zero transforms.
Certain operations explicitly create Local Axes. For example, skeletons always have Local Axes and Edit > Duplicate Object creates explicit local Axes. Visually, there is no way to tell if explicit Local Axes exist or if the defaults are being used. Therefore, certain tools appear to behave inconsistently with local axes.
Set your local axes explicitly to the desired orientation.
If both the constraint target and destination are in the copied hierarchy, delete the constraint and re-apply it to the new objects in the new hierarchy.
Reset these options by hand: the default for Orientation is Local, and the default for SetRestPose is Off.
Aim constraint rotations are restricted to -180/+ 180 degrees; however these restrictions are not enforced consistently throughout the weighting process, so if individual constraints caused rotation values of opposite sign, errors may result.
Use a single object as the aim constraint target where possible. If you really depend on the animation of two separate targets, then point constraining an object partway between the original targets and using this new object may provide an adequate approximation.
If you see 10 constraints, check the info window to see if there are any additional constraints that you may have missed.
If the cluster members are all at the CV level, splitting works correctly. However, if you see an entry in the cluster editor for several surfaces, then some of the geometry will jump to the wrong location when the cluster is split.
The geometry is still there; it’s just not redrawn correctly. It will reappear when the cluster transformations are applied again (for example, when the cluster is moved, rotated, and so on).
Transform > Move the clusters by (r 0 0 0)
to make the geometry redraw, or expand the cluster members down
to their CVs before splitting.
When moving the pivot point on a cluster that has some members’ percentage effect parameter set to a value other than 100%, if the cluster has already been transformed with rotations or scaling, transforming the pivot point of the cluster will cause these cluster members to move. (The percentage effects are recalculated for each control vertex according to the new pivot point location.)
This behavior is apparent when clusters are
created using the Deformation Control window (Animation > Editors > Deformation Control ).
Define and verify pivot point locations for deformation clusters before assigning transformations such as rotate or scale.