Limitations related to hardware shade, diagnostic shading, lighting, shading, texturing, and rendering.
For additional rendering troubleshooting information, see the Troubleshoot section of the Rendering online documentation.
Workaround: Disable the Status Bar in General Preferences and maximize the perspective window, or disable the Status Bar and move the perspective window to the bottom left corner of the display.
Arrows inside Multi-lister color swatches are blue instead of white on Mac OS.
Setting the Number of Processors to a number greater than the total number of CPU's or Cores will fail to render.
Workaround: Set the processors to a number that is less or equal to the available number of CPU's or set to All.
When rendering with stages, the stages’s background source setting is not respected by software rendering for IBL. (The background is respected for hardware shading.)
Workaround: Only map the desired IBL map. Delete any other IBL maps from the other files.
Warning: QTVR is currently not supported for Windows 64-bit applications.
Hardware Shade and Diagnostic Shading
Disable the graphics card-based Anti-Aliasing and use the software-based Anti-Aliasing from within Alias.
using the lattice rig and transformer rig tools ( Object Edit > Dynamic Shape Modeling > Transformer Rig , Object Edit > Dynamic Shape Modeling > Lattice Rig
), any objects you request
to be deformed will lose their diagnostic shading.
The software creates new surfaces for these objects. Whenever a tool creates new surfaces, these surfaces do not display diagnostic shading
Workaround: Click on diagnostic shading in the Control Panel to reapply it to the objects.
Display (or display and then hide) the modeling
control panel. For example, choose Windows > Control Panel , then click the Paint button
at the top of the Paint Control Panel and choose Modeling.
Then choose Windows > Control Panel
to hide the modeling control panel.
Shading maps will have to be adjusted separately to get the desired appearance when self shadows are enabled.
Switching the Shading method to Per pixel removes this limitation.
Save out the entire shader. The cube map is preserved.
Solution: Click on the “Previous View” button (black back arrow) in the View Panel to restore the correct image plane position.
If you want to export
an SDL file for rendering at a later time or on another machine,
you must extract the textures beforehand using File > Image References > Extract Image References so that any image file textures
embedded in the wire file will be available to the renderer.
The results of rendering the SDL (using the command line interface) shows the file reference image with a red question mark.
you want to export a SDL file for rendering at a later time or on
another machine, you must choose File > Image References > Extract Image References before exporting. As a result,
any image file textures embedded in the wire file will be available
to the renderer.